The Spydercore Tri-Angle Sharpmaker is perfect for keeping sharp blades, tools, and toys in optimal working conditions. Spyderco sharpener set is top notch. It includes 2 sets of high alumina ceramic stones, that sharpens plain and flat edges, awls, darts, fishhooks, and punches. All components snap into the self-contained ABS plastic base and lid, and are ready to travel. The base is drilled for bolting to tables or countertops for permenant attachment in shops or kitchens. It uses stones dry, without oil, water, or lubricants. There are scrubs with plastic scouring pad and powdered abrasive cleaner, air dry. Includes two fine and two medium grit triangle shaped ceramic stones which slide into precisely angled keyholes that are molded into a strong polymer base. 40° angle for sharpening, 30° angle for back beveling and 12.5° angle for sharpening scissors. Flip base over and two stones fit in to provide a bench sharpener. Includes two brass rods to protect user’s hands. All parts store inside base, and lid snaps on making a self contained unit. Includes instruction booklet and DVD.
Kontaktdaten des Herstellers:
Spyderco Inc, USA, 820 Spyderco Way, 80403 Golden, Colorado,
Kontaktdaten des EU-Verantwortlichen:
Jackbox GmbH, DE, Industriestrasse 8, 91757 Treuchtlingen, Bayern,